Want to create a comedic masterpiece but don't know where to start?
Join Robyn Hambrook for an exciting 3-day workshop designed to help you craft original comedy acts using your unique voice and imagination. Whether you’re interested in clowning, physical comedy, or character-driven humour, this intensive course will provide the tools, exercises, and inspiration to bring your ideas to life.
In this workshop, we will: • Dive into character development, object play, emotional exploration, and status dynamics to build compelling comedic moments. • Experiment with crafting solo and ensemble skits that captivate and delight. • Receive group feedback and facilitator guidance to shape and refine your material. • Learn how to structure an act that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish. This workshop will support you to take your ridiculous ideas towards a finished piece that you can unleash at cabarets, scratch nights, on festival stages or form the basis of longer show. WHO IS THIS FOR? This workshop is open to anyone curious about creating comedy on stage: clowns, comedians, physical performers, theatre makers, dancers, musicians, visual artists, and anyone who’s ever thought, “I want to be up there!” No previous experience is necessary—just a willingness to play and explore. Take the leap into comedy creation and discover your potential to make audiences laugh, connect, and remember your performance long after the curtain falls. ★ "This course was great fun and an excellent balance of building on fundamentals and introducing new elements. I am a better idiot because of it." ★"Robyn's unique blend of directing and shaping play through quick wit and caring yet urgent tone - sets tone and pace beautifully." ★"Thank you so much. Your clown coaching is very helpful because it is honest and direct. I thought the weekend was great and I am inspired to wear a red nose again" |
HOW IT WORKS?Dates & times:
Friday 28 March - 1 - 6pm Saturday 29 March - 11 - 4pm Sunday 30 March - 11 - 4pm Venue: Alphington Community Centre 72 Church Rd, Alphington, Exeter EX2 8TA INVESTMENT: £135 Earlybird - first 5 places £195* / £175** / £155*** *This is our standard rate. **This is our low waged rate. ***This is our supported rate for those who are unemployed or in full time education Tickets available on Dandelion A couple of bursary places are also available. Please get in touch if you would like to apply for one. [email protected] ★“The perfect introduction to creating material out of thin air - you start out with a random pile of objects, playing in front of other clowns, and at the end of four weeks you walk away with an act, ready to unleash on the world! Robyn provides fantastic exercises for developing material and feedback for refining it.” |
Robyn is a Bristol-based director, teacher, performer and founder of the Bristol Clown School. With over 20 years experience she is a passionate practitioner of clowning, physical theatre, circus and street arts. She has a MA in Circus Directing, a Diploma of Physical Theatre Practice and trained with a long line of inspiring teachers including Holly Stoppit, Peta Lily, Giovanni Fusetti, Bim Mason, Jon Davison, Zuma Puma, Lucy Hopkins and John Wright.
She has performed with internationally acclaimed theatre companies including Derevo, Oceanallover and Akhe and with her own company Fun in the Oven Theatre. She has directed shows for Whispering Woods, The Sexual Health Circus, Boo to a Goose and was one of the co-founders of The Lost Cabaret Bristol, a night for alternative comedy and clowning.
Robyn has run workshops in corporate, community, education and humanitarian settings for companies including Let's Circus, Impact Arts, Islington People's Theatre, Active Inquiry and in tertiary education for the University of Bristol, UWE, Circomedia and Circus Central.
Robyn is driven to create collaborative, research spaces, testing and pushing the limits of the artform to create new knowledge and methodologies for her industry. Recent collaborations and teaching projects have included the Nomadic Rebel Clown Academy (5-day Activist Clown Training), The Laboratory of the Un-beautiful (Feminist Grotesque Bouffon Training for Womxn Theatre Makers) and the Clown Congress (regular gathering of clowns, activists & academics collectively exploring what it means to be a clown in this current era).
Robyn is a Bristol-based director, teacher, performer and founder of the Bristol Clown School. With over 20 years experience she is a passionate practitioner of clowning, physical theatre, circus and street arts. She has a MA in Circus Directing, a Diploma of Physical Theatre Practice and trained with a long line of inspiring teachers including Holly Stoppit, Peta Lily, Giovanni Fusetti, Bim Mason, Jon Davison, Zuma Puma, Lucy Hopkins and John Wright.
She has performed with internationally acclaimed theatre companies including Derevo, Oceanallover and Akhe and with her own company Fun in the Oven Theatre. She has directed shows for Whispering Woods, The Sexual Health Circus, Boo to a Goose and was one of the co-founders of The Lost Cabaret Bristol, a night for alternative comedy and clowning.
Robyn has run workshops in corporate, community, education and humanitarian settings for companies including Let's Circus, Impact Arts, Islington People's Theatre, Active Inquiry and in tertiary education for the University of Bristol, UWE, Circomedia and Circus Central.
Robyn is driven to create collaborative, research spaces, testing and pushing the limits of the artform to create new knowledge and methodologies for her industry. Recent collaborations and teaching projects have included the Nomadic Rebel Clown Academy (5-day Activist Clown Training), The Laboratory of the Un-beautiful (Feminist Grotesque Bouffon Training for Womxn Theatre Makers) and the Clown Congress (regular gathering of clowns, activists & academics collectively exploring what it means to be a clown in this current era).